
1 fl oz

Employing multiple revolutionary active ingredients, TSB TOX is clinically proven to deliver equivalent results to one injection of collagen filler in just two weeks of regular use.

The combination of copper, proline, lysine, hyaluronic acid, and niacinimide triggers the production of energy in the mitochondria of the senescent fibroblast, safely reactivating collagen I, collagen III, and elastin production. Known as the “youth collagen,” collagen III presence naturally decreases starting at age 8 or 9, and is virtually impossible to reactivate. Golden Bamboo Extract and Pea Extract deliver an 85% increase in hyaluronic acid synthesis during an in vitro test, plus a decrease in skin laxity of 50% after four weeks. The result is a painless, topical alternative to injectible fillers and toxins.

In addition to building collagen, TSB TOX is fortified with glycosaminoglycans which preserve and protect the structure of the ECM complex from physical forces like pollution, UV rays and aging; leading to an improvement in the skin’s barrier function and a reduction in the appearance of rosacea over a 12 week period.


Reduces wrinkle appearance and volume by 15% in only 2 weeks

Quickly delivers equivalent results to one injection of collagen filler*source website 2013 American Society of Plastic Surgeons

Firmness increased by 13 times in 15 days

A painless, topical alternative to injectible fillers and toxins

190% Increase in elastin production after 11 days

179% Increase in collagen I production , and 194% Increase in collagen III production after 11 days

85% increase in hyraluronic acid synthesis

50% decrease in skin laxity after 28 days

Improvements sustained after two months of treatment

80% inhibition of MMP enzyme activity (types 1 and 2)

Improves the skin’s barrier function and shows a reduction in the appearance of rosacea over a 12 week period

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